Latest News 20th February 2020

Hello Barlaston Church Community,

Do hope that you're enjoying 1/2 term, although it's a little wet!

Work is being completed this week at the Church with a new floor in the toilets and kitchen entrance.

Services this Sunday 23rd February are Communions at 8.30 and 10.30. The children's MOSAIC group meets at 10.30am on Sunday morning.

Tot's starts again following the 1/2 term break meeting at 10.00am on Tuesday 25th February and clearing up by 11.30am so that the place can be set up for The Pancake Party at 12 noon, to which you are all invited.

Don't forget you can find a lot more information from our website at Feedback about the website would be appreciated, please use the 'contact' form on the website to send your thoughts. One idea that has been suggested is that the Church Magazine is made available on the website for a small charge, is this something you may be interested in?

Barlaston Community Group are busy planning events in the Village and you can find full details here: Do you enjoy the Messiah?

You may wish to buy tickets to hear a local performance, details can be found here:

Jesus said, Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11.28


Dennis Croome Churchwarden and Reader.

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