Update 20th May 2021

Hello Church family and friends,

I came back in time for the APCM last Sunday, although if I’m honest Sue & I could have stayed away longer as we were enjoying the break, but God doesn’t work quite like that!

As a result of the annual meeting, the Churchwardens are the same and PCC members are the same, except for Julie Lamond who was elected. Eleanor Ravenscroft has completed her six years. David Barratt has resigned from his place on the PCC.

The new PCC met this week on Wednesday evening. We actually had a face-to-face meeting (what’s that!) and we were all so pleased to be able to gather safely in church.  The PCC are planning to have a ‘day away’ (actually a day at home) in July to pray and plan for the future work of the church. What is God calling us to do in the post Covid era? As has been said by many people, things will be different in the months and years ahead. Our job is to pray and work out the Lord’s plan.

I overheard someone say last Sunday, ‘we must be doing something right’ as they realised there were 60 adults and 7 children in church. It is lovely to see people coming back.

As Stewart mentioned in the APCM things will be changing . . . . you will notice the new chair layout as you come into church, a more friendly welcoming arrangement. The Wednesday Communion service people really like it and were enthusiastic.

This Sunday is PENTECOST

O Breath of life, come sweeping through us,
Revive Your church with life and power.
O Breath of life, come, cleanse, renew us,
And fit Your church to meet this hour.

Hope to see you on Sunday,


Dennis Croome