Letter from Stewart Jones November 2020

The Parish Church of St John the Baptist
Station Road
ST12 9DA

01782 373126

November 2020

Dear Friend

There is Hope

Sadly, as we all know a second lockdown is upon us. Covid-19 continues to dominate the news and all our lives. It is going to be a tough four weeks and maybe even longer. Our church services are once again suspended during this period although the church will be open on Sundays at 10.30am for prayer.
I am sure many of us will find the coming days hard especially as this time round the days are shorter, the temperature is colder and the darkness both literally and spiritually seems even greater.
But there is hope! I believe, even in the hardest times, that we have a God who comes to walk with us in our darkness. Jesus Christ came into this world to reveal the light and life of God to everyone and that has not changed and never will. It does not often mean God intervenes to make our lives easy and comfortable; but it does mean He is with us. The community of St John’s Church in Barlaston continues to offer prayer, care and support to everyone who is part of the church family and beyond because of this presence of God in our midst.
During these days of our second national lockdown we can remind ourselves daily of this presence. Here are three ways we can do that together.
• Join with me at 12 noon every day, wherever you are in stopping for a moment or two and saying the Lord’s Prayer out loud. (The traditional version is printed at the end of this letter.)
• Telephone someone who is a neighbour or a friend in the village to check they are okay.
• Tell me if someone needs help. This includes yourself! (The telephone number is at the top of this letter.)
One thing I will also be doing during the coming weeks is to plan for Christmas 2020 at St John’s. This year it will be different to what we usually do but we will still celebrate the greatest birth in the history of the world. Keep a look out for details in the coming weeks.
In a famous passage from John’s gospel (which we always read out at Christmas and will again this year) we have these words:
‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.’ (John 1v5)
This is our strength and hope. We never forget it and he never forgets us.
Keep safe and well.
With my prayers.
Stewart Jones

The Lord’s Prayer
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

Are you on email? If so, we can keep you up to date weekly with what is happening at Church.
Please do send your email to Dennis Croome: dennis@croome.net
Our website address if you are online is www.stjohnsbarlaston.co.uk

If you need help for anything do telephone the church and we will be there for you. (01782 373126)

Dennis CroomeComment