Update 12th July 2020

Hello Barlaston Church & Friends,

35 people were in church this morning for the 1030 Communion service and heard Stewart’s sermon: the first of a four week series looking at the Psalms. The title of the series is: ‘How can we sing the Lord’s Song in a Covid-19 world?

For those of us who were there it will be a useful reminder to read through and for those who currently feel staying at home is the safe option, you can read Stewart’s words too. We perfectly understand that for some taking sensible precautions is very wise and we look forward to seeing you at a future time.

The 1030 Wednesday Communion service re-starts this week and will run each Wednesday and will be held in the main church so that social distancing can be maintained. I’m afraid there will not be any refreshments following the service.

Stewart has been in touch with the PCC this last week concerning the situation in Kibera re Covid-19. He was able to give us an update on the situation in Kenya which made for difficult reading and made us realise how fortunate we are in Barlaston. Stewart encouraged us to act fast and generously. As a response we are sending £1500.00 to Feed the Hungry, to be sent to Kibera. This money is made up from several sources. What was raised during the first part of Lent 2020 (this was to help pay for a trip from Kibera to come here) is sent; the St John’s Ladies have given what was left in their account and as a church a gift of £1000.00. This will all be used to buy food.

Take care, Blessings,

Dennis Croome.

you can access the sermon here

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