Church Update 3rd December 2020

Good morning all Barlaston Church friends and family,
We will be OPEN on Sunday 6th December at 10.30 for a Communion service.
We look forward to being able to worship together once more, even if it is in a limited way with no singing and all the social distancing guidelines in place.
Stafford Borough Council Community Awards
The Annual Presentation of Community Awards took place on a virtual basis via Zoom on the evening of 26th November. The Mayor of Stafford Borough presented the Judges Award to the Covid-19 Barlaston Community Action Group (made up of the Parish Council, the Community Group and St John's Church) for the creation of networks to support the elderly and vulnerable during the lock down period. The Judges were impressed that groups of volunteers had got together to respond to perceived need in a variety of ways and to work with local shops in the distribution of goods. The Group's objective was to try minimize the impact of the virus on resident's health and well being during a very difficult time.
Very many congratulations to all the Barlaston residents who volunteered their services in so many different ways - this award goes to you!
Christmas Services
Sunday 20th December, Carol Service, 4.00pm
Christmas Eve, Carol Service, 4.00pm
Christmas Day, Holy Communion, 10.30am
BOOKING is essential – places are going quickly, please book your place if you have not already by phoning 01782 373126
We will not be holding a church Christingle Service on Christmas Eve as previous years but will be involved with one for the whole school on Dec 18th at 9.30am by Zoom.
Many people in our community have had a tough year especially those who have been shielding in their own homes during Covid-19. ‘Call Carol’ wants to bring something of the joy of Christmas to those people.
‘Call Carol’ is a Christmas initiative organised by St John’s Church, Barlaston. A small group of singers (no more than 6) will come to your front doorstep and sing some Christmas Carols to help you celebrate Christmas.
How does it work?
Think of someone you know who would appreciate hearing Christmas Carols outside their home. (It might even be yourself!) Telephone ‘Call Carol’ on 01782 373126 to book a day and time for the carol singers to come and sing. ‘Call Carol’ will be running from Tuesday 15th December to Tuesday 22nd December each day.
Once you have booked the singers that’s it. Just make sure the person in their home knows what time they are coming to ensure they can enjoy the sung message of Christmas. Each session will last no more than 15 minutes.
All the singers will follow covid-19 regulations and will not enter the house. No money will be collected.
Tots and Mosaic leaders are keeping in touch with all the children and young people during this time. Special Gift Packs are on their way . . . .
Decorating the Church
We plan to decorate the church on Thursday 10th December from 10am. If you are able to help please contact Dennis (
Flowers at Christmas
On Friday 18th December from 10.00am the Flower Arranging Team will be arranging flowers in church. If you could help please contact Ellie Hedley on 01782 372845.
Car Park
You will notice as you come to church that some work has been completed on the Church Car Park. We realise that additional work may be required next Spring in order to further improve the surface and drainage. Thank you to Peter Hedley, Callum Banks, Rob Meakin, Dennis Croome and Stewart Jones for your help.
‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.’ John 1.5
Dennis Croome
Churchwarden and Reader.

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