A challenging and exciting future
We are facing the challenges of a church which has an average aged congregation of 70 years.
There are 130 people on the Church Electoral Roll. 50 of those may never read this as they appear not have access to the WWW. To communicate with this group of people we use our weekly news sheet, verbal notices at services and the church magazine.
We are very much looking forward to an opportunity to work in a new way with our local school which will be opening a new Nursery from September 2019. Church members currently take assemblies each Wednesday in term time at the school. The school holds their end of term services in the church.
We realise that we need to step out and really seek God’s guidance concerning what programmes and activities we put in place, bearing in mind what people resources we have.
Our recently re-furbished Kitchen at the church will play a significant role in whatever way we decide the church buildings are used in the future months and years.
Exciting and challenging times! Please join us on this journey.